Former Naironi Governor Mike Sonko wishes Raila Odinga a Happy Birthday and recounts favors done to the opposition leader

Former Nairobi Governor took to his X (twitter) to wish Hon Raila Odinga a happy birthday in a message riddled with both well wishes and a recount of favors done for the leader as expressed in this message by Sonko;


‘HAPPY BIRTHDAY, RAILA ODINGA. Even though you teamed up with your handshake brother and instigated for my illegal removal from the office, I still appreciate the shared moments we had, which are still very fresh in my mind. When you requested me to facilitate the appointment of your Sister Berryl Odinga, as Nairobi water director and later Chairperson, I did it. Also, when you requested me to appoint your cousin Goerge Osewe as the chairman at Mbagathi hospital board of directors, I did it. When you asked me to do a fence, kwa shamba ya, your lovely daughter Rosemary in Rongai, i did so. When you requested me to sink a borehole for you at your Kajiado land, I obliged. When you requested me to do a borehole for the widow of former IEBC ICT Boss, Mr. Msando, I did it. When you requested me to stand with your wife Mama Ida ( whom I have alot of respect for) where she was a chief guest in the fundraising of a Homabay school project where she is also an alumni, I did it by giving her a 5M contribution. When you gave me a team of ODM grassroots leaders led by the then kibra ODM chairperson and current nominated MCA Hon. Jakonia, together with nominated MCA Hon. Catherine, to assist in transportation of dead bodies and deceased families from Nairobi to various parts of Nyanza, I undertook it. When you asked me to include one of your friends in my government as a chief officer, I honoured the request. I gave victims of Toi market fire Ksh. 5M after you pleaded with me to do so after their properties were destroyed by fire.

Whenever you requested any favour or financial input from me, I usually did it without hesitation. Yote hayo tisa, kumi. I wish you a Happy Birthday filled with joy and celebration. May this new year be a blessing to you and your family. May it bring you happiness and success in all your endeavours. But pia nikukumbushe kidogo that with the little support I had during the last General election, ile margin ya 233,000 votes uliachwa nayo labda mimi with my small ground networks ningekujazia had you not engineered my downfall na pia kunichorea niblokiwe mombasani kwa ballot ukiwa na ndugu zangu kina Sultan na wengine. For instance, in Nairobi only where I always garner over 800,000 votes, I’d have convinced my few supporters to give you at least 100,000 votes. In Mombasa, out of 641,913 registered voters, I’m sure my few supporters would have given you an extra 50,000 votes.Not forgetting that I have a big connection with counties of Kwale county (328,243 votes) and Kilifi county (588,692 votes) where niko na tubiashara na tuinvestment kidogo singekosa 3000 and 3000 votes respectively kwa hizi counties.

From ukambani, where my late Dad was laid to rest and where I also have a home, relatives and a few supporters in the 3 counties of Machaa, kitui and Makueni within the region, out of the 1,699,724 million registered voters, I’m sure I’d have given you at least 60,000 votes. From other areas country wide, especially the families i have assisting through the will of God, may be I would have convinced not less than 30,000 voters to vote for you. “

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