A.I may Spell doom and death of the creative sector as we know it

Artificial intelligence just like human intelligence is acquired from interaction with elements from the environment. The context in which this acquisition is achieved is dependent on the environment and the input in which the A.I system operates. The difference however is that, over and above the elements in the environment and what is fed into the A.I system through coding, human intelligence is fortified with both emotion and imagination, which makes it superior than artificial intelligence in many ways.

This element of imagination was once said to be better than knowledge by Albert Einsten the world famous scientist who researched on metaphysics and pioneered different dimensions of the science as we know it today revolutionizing science but still giving emphasis to the importance of human imagination.

The rapid development in A.I technology in the last few years has baffled many people in the application in diverse tech related fields. The creative sector has not been left out either. With new A.I technology, new art can now be generated including fine art that rivals Caravaggio, Lorenzo Bernini and Michelangelo’s art found in Greek, roman, French and British museums.

In flawless articulation, the AI systems are now also able to create music that rivals original music pieces done by the best instrumentalists and musicians including rappers. Recently, a U.S based producer and record maker generated famous rapper Kanye West voice through AI software and put the verse on a remix to his song. This Kanye west verse could and actually did pass for an original verse done by Kanye west.

In the literary field, the AI system chat gpt has also been doing the work and replacing the effort by writers by creating original articles, pitch write ups and other material for specific subject matters including research themed pieces.

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