Kenyan fashion model Elizabeth Kasembeli has her eyes on the prize on the quest for success in the modeling and fashion industry

The journey for Kenyan visual artist and fashion model, Elizabeth Kasembeli has not been easy. Its a journey that exemplifies steadfast commitment and passion. We had the opportunity for a brief interview with the talented and determined model;
1. Hey how would you like to introduce yourself?
1. My name is Elizabeth Kasembeli, A fashion model and visual artist. I’m based in Nairobi Kenya.
2. When did you discover your passion for modeling?
2.I discovered my passion for modelling when I was around 10yrs old….. I enjoyed playing dress up… and my dad introduced me to the show ‘America’s Next Top Model ‘  by Tyra Banks. From then on I just knew I was destined to walk the modelling path.
Couture shoot for @crupnova //Mission Couture// . Photography and styling @crupnovaa
3. Who are some of the icons that inspire you locally and globally?
3. Locally, Ajuma Nasenyena.  I remember growing up and watching her work her way up in modelling to big international stages like Victoria Secret. She’s  a big inspiration to me.
Globally, Alek Wek takes the crown as the modelling queen for me. I love  everything about her. Her journey inspires me a lot. I love Naomi Campbell too because why not.
4. How has your experience been so far as a fashion model?
4.Two words: Thorns and Roses. I’ve loved it for the most part. It has been quite a journey I must say…ups and downs, highs and lows, tears and laughter . I take it as a learning and growth journey.
5. What opportunities and challenges have you encountered?
5. Roses and Thorns.
Roses-Well I’ve been in places I never imagined I would be, met with people I never thought i would in my wildest of imaginations. Its been great. My greatest highlight so far is that within a years time frame, I got to meet our former and current Presidents while working. I met the Former President Uhuru Kenyatta last year in may and July and  well This year in June I strutted at state house with the current president, Hon. WSR and the governors as the audience among other guests. What I love most is opportunities to work and network with great people in the industry.
Thorns- Challenges are quite a lot. The biggest of all I would say, and I’m pretty sure so many models would agree, has to be on the financial side. Getting underpaid, or not getting paid at all… doing free work sometimes. I’ve done a show before where we invested a lot of time in rehearsals and spent a lot in preparation. The show was a big deal…. we had all kinds of public figures in attendance but then we ended up getting peanuts for payment. There’s also  cases where an intermediary has been involved and i found myself going home with nothing.
Another challenge is multiple rejections from auditions agencies. This is a thing especially when one is starting. It takes a stone heart to keep going coz it can be quite discouraging. I’ve seen so many aspiring models quit the journey because of rejection.
6. Name two brands you aspire to work with in future?
6.Locally… i have my eye on Kiko Romeo. Internationally the brand Balmain, i really love their aesthetics.
7. What are your long term goals in modeling?
7. My long term goals. I’d like to hit the international platforms and also work with international brands of course and make a name for myself.
8. What are your other hobbies and interests apart from modeling?
8. I’m passionate about art so i like painting and drawing and doing gallery visits and exhibitions . I also enjoy auto-shows especially the retro ones. I love fashion… currently I’m studying fashion design and hope to start a fashion brand soon.
9. What’s your opinion of the current state of the fashion industry in Kenya?
9. Our country has a lot of creatives. The industry is growing quite fast… a lot of creatives are emerging day by day. What the industry needs is more support for local brands. I’m one of the people advocating for the ban of Mitumba. Call me selfish but from a designer’s point of view(Kenyan designer),this would have a huge impact on the fashion industry since it would ensure fast growth on the fashion industry in Kenya. Africa has become a dumpsite for fast fashion rejects and un-wanted with our country Kenya being one of the major dumpsites. As a creative I live for the day when the young will appreciate and glorify local brands, African based fashion. I live for the day when we shall have an administration that will have the country rely on itself, an administration that will emphasize on local technological advancements and educate people in order to have local labor have our own manufacturing companies and ban imports especially in fashion. Its time Africa starts glorifying its own; support local brands.
10.  How can you be reached on social media?
10.My Socials
     IG: elizabeth_kasembeli
     Tiktok: elizabeth_kasembeli

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