More than beauty and brains, meet Kenyan fashion model and aspiring media practitioner – Joy Kirwa

With bright future prospects for success in fashion modeling and media, we had the opportunity for a glipmse into Joy’s word;
1. Hey how would you like to introduce yourself?
— My name is Joy Kirwa, aged 21, a fashion model as well as a final year student at The Presbyterian University of East Africa pursuing Bachelor of arts in mass communication and public relations.
2. When did you discover your passion for modeling?
— I could say my passion was inborn  because I remember in my entire family whenever my mum took us for Christmas shopping , among my siblings I was the only one who went for high heeled shoes and not to brag but all the time I bought a shoe it turned out unique from the Christmas outfit trends.
I loved being unique.
Modelling has always been my heart’s desire but while growing up, my parents were strict on education matters which is why I have just recently began venturing into the industry in my 4rth year of campus.
3. Who are some of the people who inspired you to start modeling?
–she might be everyone’s inspiration but the moment 10 year old me saw her on the red carpet after winning an award for 12 years a slave…I knew in my heart that I wañted to follow her footsteps – Lupita Nyongo
While in regards to modelling Anyierr Tong Deng  who is yet to be the world top runway model has always been my inspiration, I admire the energy and the humor she possesses, her winnings give me hope and self believe.
4. How has your experience been in modeling so far?
–my experience has been great…I have never felt such great energy in my entire life…I tend to have anxiety and and paranoya whenever I am called out for other responsibilities but it’s funny how I don’t experience such on the runway.
5. What are some of the lessons you have learnt through modeling?
–lesson 1- No Matter how good your walk is, it doesn’t pronounce you as a winner since creativity comes in handy… your outfits needs to show a unique sense of design.
2. For the two pageants I have attended the most important lesson I have learnt is about time consciousness; the earlier you prepare the less pressure you encounter.
6. Have you participated in pageants this year? Tell us a little about them
–I have participated in two pageants; Mr and Miss Climate Kenya and Mr and Miss Kasarani where i am currently the ambassador for climate change in  Uasin Gishu county courtesy of Mr and Mrs climate Kenya.
Despite not receiving a title at Mr and Mrs Kasarani, I took it as an opportunity to identify my mistakes and gain experience on areas that I feel that it should be improved.
7. Which fashion brands do you aspire to work with in future? –not to be specific but I look forward to working with make up brands, considering my obsession with make up, and clothing brands to create visibility and to build my career as a fashion model.
8. What challenges and opportunities have you encountered? — since I began modelling I think one thing I never new would be much of an issue was finance but now even the tiniest things  requires to be spend on. Emergence of many scam peagent events and lack of knowledge on how to identify the right peagent competition.
9. What are your other hobbies and interests apart from modeling? –i love traveling as well as watching movies and documentaries whenever I’m free.
10. How can you be reached on social media?–Find me on Instagram @joy_krw,

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